Tuesday, January 5, 2016


The Beginning:

The lovely ladies I work with set up a challenge to go vegan for the month of January.  I was all in for it!  I love to challenge myself with things such as this so I signed up to join them.

At work we have Yammer, and a Veggie page for those of use that are into that kind of thing.  We are using that to post recipes talk strategy for dealing with longing for certain foods etc.  One of the ladies has set up a potluck for Friday so that we can share foods and try new recipes.

I have created a Veganuary Pinterest board, which you are welcome to follow me on.  I am getting many recipes from there.  I am also following www.veganuary.com, they post basic shopping lists, recipes and support.

Grocery Shopping:

On Saturday afternoon, my Mom and I went out shopping for some basics.  I brought 3 recipes with me so that I would make sure to get all of the ingredients for those plus a ton of basics for vegan lifestyle.

3 grocery stores and about $150 later, I was ready.  I am not expecting to spend that much on a weekly basis, but I had to buy things that will be used multiple times such as nutritional yeast, mirin, corn starch, and other items that will be used many many times in the future.

What have I made so far?

Vegan Cheese: ughh - I followed recipe as written, BUT it was WAY too much garlic....like so bad on the garlic, could not even really eat it.  I will try again with 1/4 of the garlic.

Broccoli Soup: pretty good!  Joe really did all of the cooking and I did the dishes.  Definitely had to had more spice and flavor to it, but a great recipe overall.  I am having that as part of my lunch this week.


Let's be real, you are not going to be at home for every meal.  Here are the restaurants I have been to so far:
The Sunflower Cafe - a vegetarian restaurant that also has many vegan options
Clydes - a few options such as salads, beet "burger" and roasted squash

Roasted Squash from Clydes

Are you vegan?  Send me some tips!

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