Friday, January 6, 2017

Veganuary Take 2 Week 1

It is that time of year when a few folks in my office go vegan for the month.  I had much less trepidation than last year and felt ready.  LOL, you know that must means things did not start out well.

I went to the store, bought lots of fresh food and started on January 2nd.  The first day was fine although I forgot my coconut creamer at home and had to drink black coffee. Day 2 passed just fine however on day 3 I was NOT feeling it.  I had a headache, I didn't feel good and was feeling OVER IT.  I thought I was having dairy withdrawals....turns out that I was eating all this fresh food but wasn't eating salt.  I had some salty peanuts and felt better within 30 minutes.  Since then I have made sure to add salt to my food and have felt fine.  I woke up on Thursday feeling AMAZING, like wide awake, cheerful and feeling good.  Thursday night I hit up the grocery store to get food and ingredients for the vegan luncheon at work the following day.  I cooked for a while and cleaned my kitchen and reoganized my pantry area.  I woke up Friday with a terrible tension headache.  I think looking down for too long at the stove, the recipe etc put too much strain on my neck.  I took some meds immeately, took the dogs out, put some peppermint oil on and got in the tub for a hot hot bath.  After that I went to bed for 30 minutes and felt much better.

We had our luncheon which was amazing, I failed to take a photo of the food, but one of the guys brought in bbq jackfruit.  GUYS, it was so good.  It looked like pulled pork and tasked amazing.  I had not tried jackfruit before, but did some google-ing and am willing to get some and try it some other ways (as well as just try it as a fruit). Another coworker brought cauliflower steak, which was very tasty and filling.  Overall it was a great 1st vegan luncheon for the year.

And with that, I'm ready for my first vegan weekend in Veganuary!

ps. To get more info about Veganuary, please go to 

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